Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Tasks 2

Holiday Assignments

Task 2 (a) :

The girls were excited as they waited for the results.

As the minute ticks slowly by, the room was getting more intense as mixture of feelings were filling the atmosphere. With the girls clutching their teeth, sweating in despair and some feeling of enthusiasm while waiting for the results to be out. They could hear the footsteps of the principal clearly as she took her own sweet time up the stage. Soon, it was time to reveal what they had awaited for. When she began to give out the result slips, they kept their fingers crossed and their eyes focused anxiously on her. Upon seeing what they had achieved, let them felt a sign of satisfaction.

Task 2 (e) :

She sat heart-broken on her bed.

Knowing that her boyfriend had left her, she felt so helpless and there was a sharp pain in her heart. It felt like her heart was broken into pieces like shattered glasses. Unable to face the reality, she locked herself in the room for days and hid her face under the blanket, not willing to get off her bed. Thinking of the past memories they had back then, tears began to roll down uncontrollably from her sorrow eyes. She did foolish things like slashing herself with a penknife to relieve the pain in her heart. It had left a scar behind and she will never be able to forget it as it really hurts.

Tasks 1

Holiday Assignments

Task 1 (a) :

(iii) Boy found love. Friend stole it.

Before I met her, I did not know what love is all about and what it's like to love somebody. I was walking down the street with my friends after movie one day when something caught my eye. Yes, it was that girl, Yvonne. The girl who had stolen my heart when the first time I saw her. I knew right away that she was the one for me as I believed in love at first sight.

She has a beautiful eyes and rosy red cheeks. Her hair is curly and long. Attracting indeed. I can say that she is the girl every guy would wish for. I knew that it would be quite difficult to win her heart but I believed that nothing is impossible as long as I have tried my best. Since then, I had been spending most of my time out with her and fulfilling everything she asked for. It was a tough time but I know that everything I do was worth it as long as she likes it.

All my friends envy me as I was hanging out with a pretty girl. Everything was going smoothly when one day, Yvonne told me that she was in love with one of my friend. Never did I expect, a friend of mine would actually betray me and the person was none other than Zachary. He confessed to me that he was jealous of me and all along, he had been hanging out with her behind my back. I was frustrated, and at the same time, disappointed in him. At that time, I thought,''How can my friend stole my love even if he's just jealous of me, it's too much''.

Even though he was guilty about it, I still could not get over the fact that he had stolen my love. I know that it was not entirely his fault as it was Yvonne that made up her mind who to be with and I could not do anything about it. In order to forget all the unhappy things, I convinced myself that, if something is meant to be, it will always be, and if something is not meant to be, don't bother holding on. I tried to forgive Zachary but somehow, I just could not do it. Maybe time is what I need to heal.